Melrose Drive CPZ consultation results

This consultation ran from 1 to 27 March 2022. 

The council received a petition from the residents of Melrose Drive, who raised concerns of non-residents parking in their road. As a cul-de-sac, parking capacity is limited and residents explained that they would often need to park much further afield as a result of non-residents occupying their road.

It was acknowledged that not all roads within the area will have parking concerns, however it is standard practice to consult a wider area to ensure that all residents have the opportunity to have their say on proposals that may impact them if they were introduced. 

If a parking zone were to be implemented in and around Melrose Drive, then parking pressures could be displaced to the surrounding roads.

In view of this, we sought residents views to see whether they would like controlled parking introduced in their street.

What happens next

The results of the consultation have been shared with Ward Councillors for their consideration and we will update this page with any further developments.

Further information

Highway services
Telephone: 020 8825 9949