This consultation took place from 7 February to 8 April 2022. Results will be summarised and will follow shortly.
The consultation
Ealing Council is seeking views from residents and interested organisations about the housing issues faced in the borough. This information will be used to help inform our new five-year housing and homelessness strategy. There will be further consultation on the draft strategy itself and the delivery plan later this year.
Housing plays an important role in the health, social, environmental and economic wellbeing of everyone who lives in the borough. The housing and homelessness strategy will aim to identify the key issues around housing and homelessness in Ealing and set out the vision and plans to address those issues for the borough. It will cover all types of private and affordable tenures of housing and complements the Local Plan, which focuses on the spatial plans and planning policies for housing.
Your views
The views of our residents, partners, and stakeholders are very important to us and this is your opportunity to help shape housing priorities for the future of our communities. Please view the background documents around housing in the borough and our priorities before completing a short survey to have your say.
This consultation ended on 8 April 2022.
What happens next?
Feedback from this survey will be used to develop the new housing and homelessness strategy and there will be further consultation on the draft strategy itself and the delivery plan later this year.
Further information
If you would like any further information or help regarding this consultation, you can contact the service at