Selective licence conditions

The following is a list of the standard conditions attached to a licence for a single household property.

1   Permitted occupation

The licence will state the permitted numbers of households and persons that can occupy the property.

2  Tenancy management

2.1  The licence holder shall supply the occupiers of the property with a written statement of the terms on which they occupy the property and details of the arrangements in place to deal with repair issues and emergency issues. Copies of the written statement of terms must be provided to the council for inspection within 7 days upon demand.

2.2  The licence holder shall obtain references from persons who wish to occupy a letting in the property before entering into any tenancy, licence or other agreement with them to occupy the accommodation. No new occupiers shall be allowed to occupy the accommodation if they are unable to provide a reference.

2.3  The licence holder must retain all references obtained for occupiers for the duration of this licence and provide copies to the council within 28 days on demand.

2.4  The licence holder shall protect any deposit taken under an assured shorthold tenancy by placing it in a statutory tenancy deposit scheme within 30 calendar days from the day the deposit is received and must provide the tenant with details of how their deposit has been protected within the same 30-day period. This information must be provided to the council within 28 days on demand.

2.5  The licence holder must provide to the council details in writing of the tenancy management arrangements that have been, or are to be, made to prevent or reduce antisocial behaviour by persons occupying or visiting the property. Copies of these must be provided to the council within 28 days on demand.

The following arrangements shall be implemented to fulfil the requirements of this condition:

  • provision of an emergency 24hr contact number (including out of hours response arrangements)
  • formal arrangements for the disposal of rubbish and bulky waste
  • maintenance of written records of property inspections for management and repair issues

2.6  The licence holder shall ensure that at least three inspections per year of the property are carried out to identify any problems relating to the condition and management of the property. The records of such inspections shall be kept for the duration of this licence. Copies of these must be provided to the council within 28 days on demand.

2.7  The licence holder shall effectively address problems of antisocial behaviour resulting from the conduct on the part of occupiers of, or visitors to the property by complying with the requirements of paragraphs below:

  • the licence holder must not ignore or fail to take action, if they have received complaints of antisocial behaviour (ASB) that concern the visitors to or occupiers of the property or result from their actions
  • if a complaint is received, or antisocial behaviour is discovered, the licence holder must contact the occupier within 14 days
    • the occupier must be informed of the allegations of the antisocial behaviour in writing and of the consequences of its continuation
  • the licence holder shall from the date of receipt of the complaint of antisocial behaviour, monitor any allegations of antisocial behaviour and whether it is continuing
  • where the antisocial behaviour is continuing after 28 days from receipt of the complaint, the licence holder, or their agent must within 7 days visit the property and issue the occupier with a warning letter advising them of the possibility of eviction
  • where the licence holder or their agent has reason to believe that the antisocial behaviour involves criminal activity the licence holder shall ensure that the appropriate authorities are informed
  • if after 14 days of giving a warning letter the occupier has taken no steps to address the antisocial behaviour and the ASB is continuing the licence holder shall take formal steps under the written statement of terms of occupation, (for example. the tenancy agreement or licence) that must include where appropriate promptly taking any legal proceedings to address the antisocial behaviour
  • where the licence holder is specifically invited they shall attend any case conferences or multiagency meetings arranged by the council or police

2.8  Any correspondence, letters and records referred to in condition 2.7 above must be provided to the council within 28 days on demand.

3  Property management

3.1  The licence holder shall ensure that all gas installations and appliances are in a safe condition at all times. The licence holder must have available a current valid gas safety certificate obtained within the last 12 months. This must be provided to the council within 7 days on demand.

3.2  The licence holder shall ensure that every electrical installation in the property is in proper working order and safe for continued use. The licence holder must supply the council with a declaration confirming the safety of such electrical installations within 7 days on demand.

3.3  The licence holder shall ensure that all electrical appliances provided by the landlord in the property are in a safe condition. The licence holder must submit to the council, for their inspection, an electrical appliance test report in respect of all electrical appliances that are supplied by the landlord to the council within 7 days on demand.

3.4  Where the licence holder becomes aware of a pest problem or infestation at the property they shall take steps to ensure that a treatment programme is carried out intended to eradicate the pest infestation. Records shall be kept of such treatment programs and these must be provided to the council within 28 days on demand.

3.5  The licence holder shall install at least one working smoke alarm on every storey of the property on which there is a room used wholly or partly as living accommodation, and a carbon monoxide alarm in any room in the property which is used wholly or partly as living accommodation containing a fixed combustion appliance other than a gas cooker and shall submit to the council, upon request, a declaration by them as to the condition and positioning of such precautions. Refer also to The Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (England) Regulations 2015 (as amended by the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (Amendment) Regulations 2022). Please note that a room includes a bathroom lavatory.

3.6  The licence holder shall ensure that smoke alarms are maintained in good working order, and in particular at the start of each new tenancy. Where the following are provided, the licence holder must submit to the council, for their inspection, a copy of all periodical inspection report/test certificates for any automatic smoke alarm system, emergency lighting and firefighting equipment provided in the property. These must be provided to the council within 7 days on demand.

3.7 The licence holder shall ensure that furniture and furnishings made available by them in the property is in a safe condition. All upholstered furniture, covers and fillings of cushions and pillows should comply with current fire safety legislation A declaration by the licence holder as to the safety of such furniture and furnishings, must be provided to the council, within 7 days on demand.

3.8  The licence holder shall provide each separate letting with a sufficient external bin with a lid for the storage of rubbish recycling and food waste pending collection. Provision must be made for the external storage of wheelie bins or larger bins as appropriate for the number of properties. Bins can either be ordered on line or by calling Ealing Council customer services on 020 8825 6000.

4  Security

4.1  The licence holder shall ensure the property is secure by complying with the requirements of paragraphs below:

  • the security provisions for the access to the dwelling (including but not limited to locks, latches, deadbolts and entry systems) must be maintained in good working order at all times
  • where window locks are fitted, the licence holder will ensure that keys are provided to the relevant occupant
  • where a burglar alarm is fitted to the house, the licence holder will inform the occupant in writing the circumstances under which the code for the alarm can be changed, and provide details when required on how this can be arranged;
  • where previous occupiers have not surrendered keys, the licence holder will arrange for a lock change to be undertaken, prior to new occupiers moving in
  • where alley gates are installed to the side and rear of the licensed property, the licence holder must take responsibility for holding a key and make satisfactory arrangements for the occupiers' access

5  Absence

5.1  The licence holder is required to have in place suitable emergency and other management arrangements in the event of their absence. The name and contact details of the licence holder and/or manager must be supplied to each occupier and must also be on display in a prominent place.

6   Documents to be provided to tenants

6.1  The licence holder shall provide the following to tenants at the start of the tenancy:

  • a copy of the licence to which these conditions apply
  • the name, address and emergency contact number of the licence holder or managing agent
  • details of the day of the week rubbish and recycling is collected and must also state any council specific requirements for example that rubbish and recycling should be left at the edge of the property, before 7am on the morning of the scheduled collection day or at the earliest, the evening before

7   Outbuildings

7.1  The licence holder shall ensure that all outbuildings, boundary walls, fences, communal gardens and yards are kept and maintained in good order.

8   General

8.1  The licence holder must notify the council's property regulation, licensing team of any proposed changes to the construction, layout or amenity provision of the house that would affect the licence or licence conditions.

8.2  The licence holder must arrange for access to be granted at any reasonable time and must not obstruct council officers from carrying out their statutory duties including the surveying of the property to ensure com

8.3  The licence holder shall if required provide to the council within 7 days on demand the names and numbers of individuals occupying the property. The particulars shall be provided to the council within 7 days on demand.

8.4  The licence holder shall inform the council of any change in ownership or management of the house.

8.5  The licence holder shall ensure that whilst any alteration or construction works are in progress, the work is carried out to ensure the safety to all persons occupying or visiting the property.

8.6  The licence holder shall ensure that on completion of any works, the property shall be left in a clean tidy condition and free from builders' debris.