If you are the victim
If you are (or have been) the victim of abuse, or you suspect that someone is being abused, then it is important that you report it immediately. You can:
- tell a professional that you trust
- contact the social care advice and referral centre on:
- telephone 020 8825 8000
- email sscallcentre@ealing.gov.uk
- contact the emergency duty team
Social services will treat every reported incident of alleged abuse as urgent. If however you feel it is an emergency, you should contact the police by calling 999. In most instances the information you give will be treated as confidential, but information will be shared with other professionals where necessary.
If you are concerned about an adult
An “adult safeguarding concern” describes the process where someone is first alerted to a concern or incident that indicates an adult with care and support needs:
- Someone is experiencing or is at risk of abuse or neglect.
- Someone, as a result of their care and support needs, are unable to protect themselves against abuse or neglect, or the risk of it, and takes action to respond, and to report the concern.
How to report a concern or referral
Understanding what constitutes a safeguarding concern: FAQs
To report a concern regarding an adult, members of the public or professionals can contact Ealing adult social care on:
- telephone: 0208 825 8000
- email sscallcentre@ealing.gov.uk
- report online
People in positions of trust
Find out about making allegations against people in positions of trust – PiPoT
Making safeguarding personal
Making safeguarding personal is a person-centred approach which means that adults are encouraged to make their own decisions and are provided with support and information to empower them to do so. This approach recognises that adults have a general right to independence, choice and self-determination including control over information about themselves.