Healthwatch Ealing

Influence local health care services

Healthwatch Ealing collects local voices to influence the delivery and design of local health and social care services. This means working with residents and partners such as the council, Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and the NHS on addressing local needs, rationalising or reshaping the way health and care services are delivered and planning for the future.

Healthwatch Ealing is also a member of Ealing's health and wellbeing board, working in partnership with the council and other members to address local health priorities.

Healthwatch Ealing relies on volunteers, who:

  • Feedback on local services by taking a few minutes to answer a survey
  • Attend meetings to talk about issues (in person and online)
  • Monitor local service providers
  • Look into specific issues of concern

For more information about Healthwatch Ealing and how you can get involved, go to: