Reducing traffic congestion

Traffic congestion often happens during peak periods when demand is high but can also occur when incidents or roadworks disrupt the general traffic flow.

Demand for travel is also increasing, owing to increasing car ownership and new housing developments, both within and outside the borough boundaries.

We are committed to reducing unnecessary traffic congestion and delay on our road network. 

We use data from a number of sources to measure congestion and, where possible, we will make improvements to the network.

These schemes tend to be quite considerable both in terms of size and budget and there are often a number of issues which make the design challenging such as buildings, utilities, land ownership.

Where possible, we try to look at an entire route or corridor rather than an individual junction, although there are examples of individual junctions being improved. 

Schemes get chosen on a basis of the level of traffic and congestion relative to other sites in the borough, the likely impact of a scheme and value for money.


All schemes go through a consultation process.

Contact us about traffic congestion

Email for information about reducing road traffic congestion.