Bin collection delays

Due to a vehicle breakdown there are some roads in Greenford and Northolt that will not have their scheduled recycling collection today. These roads will be visited first thing tomorrow (Saturday 20 July).


  • Bannister Close
  • Bedser Drive
  • Brasher Close
  • Dimmock Drive
  • Hammond Close
  • Hapgood Close
  • Hemery Road
  • Hendren Close
  • Larwood Close
  • Lilian Board Way
  • Mary Peters Drive
  • Matthews Road
  • Ramsey Close
  • Tessa Sanderson Way


  • Acock Grove
  • Cassandra Close
  • Dorchester Road
  • Halsbury Road East
  • Halsbury Road West 
  • Hari Close
  • Hollydale Close
  • Killowen Avenue
  • Ross Close
  • Russell Road
  • Wood End Close
  • Wood End Gardens
  • Wood End Lane
  • Wood End Way

We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.