Report a problem with a recycling site

Use this form to report a problem at a neighbourhood recycling site in the borough. This may be an overflowing bin or if the bins haven’t been emptied.

Before you start

Do not use this form to report a fly-tip or a missed recycling collection. 

You will need

  • Location of recycling site
  • To describe the problem 
  • Photo (if you have one). 

Uploading supporting documents

We may ask you to upload some documents. For example, a photo of the recycling site.    

  • Accepted file types: Word (docx), Acrobat (pdf), Excel (xlsx), Plain text (txt) 
  • Zip files can't be uploaded 
  • We also accept photos taken on phones and tablets and the following image file types - jpeg, gif, png  
  • There is a maximum individual file size per document of 50MB. 

What happens next

We will aim to fix the problem within 2 working days.

Containers that are not collected by our contractor may take longer. 

This form should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. 

Start form