If you have difficulty putting out your recycling or rubbish you can apply for an assisted bin collection.
This is for residents who are not physically able to put their rubbish and recycling out. This may be because of a disability, illness or mobility problem.
The collection will be made from your front doorstep instead of the front boundary of your home. They will return it once it has been emptied.
Before you start
Do not complete this form is if there is someone that can help you with your recycling and rubbish.
We do not offer assisted collections from flats. Contact your landlord if you need help.
Please use our online application form to:
- apply for an assisted collection
- tell us that the collection is no longer required
When completing the form you will need to tell us why you need help with your bins e.g. you have a disability or illness.
What happens next
We will email you when this has been set up.
Please check My Account for updates.
This form should take approximately 5 minutes to complete.
When you no longer need assistance
You should cancel your assisted collection registration if and when you no longer require the service.
If a person is found living in the house that could move the bins your assisted collection will be stopped.