What is the Southall Opportunity Area Planning Framework?
It sets out how new development, accelerated by Crossrail, can be managed to maximise the potential of the area for the benefit of existing and new residents and businesses. The vision for Southall is based around:
Maximising the potential of Crossrail
Capitalising on the vibrant community of Southall and the fast connection to London on Crossrail:
- 10 minutes to Heathrow
- 17 minutes to Tottenham Court Road and
- 31 minutes to Canary Wharf
To deliver at least 6,000 new homes and 3,000 new jobs across 10 development sites in a 520 ha opportunity area over 20 years.
Southall station will be the gateway to the area and will stitch the neighbourhoods, town centres and workspaces of Southall.
New neighbourhoods on former industrial land that complement the existing character
A balanced and inclusive community who live in high quality homes with easy access to transport and social infrastructure regardless of age, economic status, lifestyle and level of independence.
Thriving and distinctive town centres
A vibrant high street network to connect the two town centres which offer mainstream and specialist Asian goods and services for local residents and visitors throughout the day and evening.
Flourishing businesses and training opportunities
A balanced mix of premises on industrial land which builds on Southall’s entrepreneurial spirit and supports business growth, from heavy industry to flexible managed workspace for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to improving skills.
Radical change in travel behaviour to unlock development potential
A network of streets designed to make walking and cycling the first choice to get to the high streets, work, open spaces and to public transport interchanges.
Great streets to move around and spaces to linger
A high quality and accessible public realm to socialise, relax and exercise throughout the residential areas, town centres, parks and canals.
How was the planning framework prepared?
The plan has been jointly prepared by Ealing Council, the Mayor of London and Transport for London (TfL). Locally, the OAPF is part of the Southall Charter and the Southall Big Plan which have been subject to extensive and wide ranging engagement and consultation with the local community. The Charter was adopted by Ealing Council in 2012 and is a social agreement between various stakeholders, public agencies, community members and local businesses as part of the Southall Partnership.
The Southall Charter sets out a commitment to achieve common objectives for the area. The shared vision is to “work together to renew pride in Southall, building on the ambition of its culturally diverse community, creating a place where the potential of all is truly realised.”
A draft Southall OAPF was published for consultation on 11 December 2013 for an eight-week stakeholder and public consultation period running until 8 February 2014. A variety of consultation methods were used including: a press release; a mail-out to stakeholders; meetings with stakeholders; a launch event at the Southall Charter AGM and placing the consultation draft framework on both the GLA and LB Ealing’s websites.
18 representations were received from statutory bodies, landowners, community groups and residents and were mostly positive about the emerging plan and proposals.
What is the status of the plan?
It was adopted by Ealing Council on 15 July 2014 as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to Ealing’s Local Plan and adopted by the Mayor of London on 16 July 2014 as Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) to the London Plan. It therefore is a material consideration in the determination of planning applications in the Southall opportunity area.
How do I get a copy of the plan and any supporting documents?
You can view and download the Southall OAPF and its supporting documents from the GLA website.
Southall OA Decentralised Feasibility and Business Case Study
A feasibility study has also been completed (July 2015) which explores the potential to develop a decentralised heating network in Southall.