Mayor of London’s CIL


Applications decided from 1 April 2012 for the creation of 100 square metres of floor space or the creation of additional dwellings are liable to pay the Mayor of London's Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

For further details please visit the Mayor's website and the Gov.UK website.

Ealing is a collecting authority for the Mayoral CIL and is not responsible for setting the charge.

Ealing currently has not implemented its own borough CIL but may do so in the future.

To download all the relevant forms for CIL liable planning applications please visit the Planning Portal.

Additional information

The introduction of the levy means that we need additional information to find out whether a charge is due and to work out the amount. Applicants will need to answer additional questions to enable us to calculate levy liability.

Please read the additional information guidance before completing the additional information form and submit with your planning application.