Park boundaries

Ealing Council has over 100 parks and open spaces for its residents to enjoy. Collectively these border a considerable number of domestic and other properties. It is common for owners of such properties to have questions about repairs to fencing at their boundary with park land.

Many parks have council-owned fencing along their outer perimeter but not all boundary fencing belongs to the council. Although the council aims to maintain park fencing as far as is practicable, we do not have the resources to keep it all in its original condition or to always be able to quickly repair sections that have become damaged. Instead we have to prioritise our fencing work, focusing it on the most urgent and important tasks.

We do not recommend that owners of properties bordering parks depend on council fencing for security. The council does not have a responsibility to provide security or fencing for private property. In most cases it will be advisable for owners to maintain their own fencing along the boundary (on their own land) of a nature that suits their own security needs.

If you have any queries regarding a shared boundary with a park please contact us.