School governors and clerks

Governors are the country’s largest volunteer workforce group. They are the strategic leaders of our schools and have a vital role to play in making sure every child gets the best possible education.

Governor services

The school  governance service provides governing boards and clerks with effective advice, information, networks and bespoke training courses.

The service also provides:

  • Governors' and clerks' training and development programme covering governors' core responsibilities and local/national initiatives. School-based sessions tailored to the needs of individual governing boards can also be arranged. For more details please visit Ealing CPD online
  • Half termly directors' reports (Ealing Grid For Learning (EGfL) website) to school governors which informs governors of current educational developments both within Ealing and nationally
  • A dedicated information site, telephone and email advice service (contact details at the bottom).

Becoming a governor or clerk

To find out more visit the EGfL website:


General contact details for governor's services on all issues relating to school governance:

Telephone: 020 8825 5444 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)