The benefits service keeps information about the people it provides with services and advice. All personal data is processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations.
How is my information stored?
The benefits service uses an electronic case management system to store information about you. We may also hold some information in paper case files. Locked systems are in place for paper records.
Why are personal records kept?
The information we hold helps us to decide the best way to help people. We need to keep this information to help plan and provide the correct level of benefit or grant for you. After you have finished receiving services from us, we may keep the information we hold about you if it seems likely that you might need our services again, or we are requested by law to do so. We will not keep your records for longer than is necessary.
What sort of information is kept?
When you ask for help or advice from us, we collect information about your personal and family circumstances. Other people, for example, members of your family, medical professionals or support agencies, might also give information. We will ensure that your personal data is treated as confidential where appropriate, is relevant, accurate and kept up-to-date.
For further details of how we use and share your data please read the full privacy notice.
Also see Electronic collection of data