Domestic abuse: Safety checklist

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If you are experiencing domestic violence or abuse the following checklist will help you to record what is going on, have a personal safety plan and take action:

  • find out what support is available locally (drop in and community groups, counselling or advice sessions)
  • keep a diary of all domestic violence incidents
  • find somewhere you can quickly and easily use a phone
  • make a list of telephone numbers to carry with you in case of emergency, including friends, relatives, the police Community Safety Unit, local police and Refuge helpline
  • try to save some money for bus, train or taxi fares
  • have an extra set of keys for your home and car
  • keep keys, money and sets of clothes for yourself, and your children, packed in a bag and stored at a friend or relative's house
  • leave when the abuser is not around
  • pack your legal and financial papers, marriage and birth certificates, court orders, national health cards, passports, driving licence, benefit books, address books, bank books, cheque books and credit cards
  • take your personal possessions which have sentimental value
  • take favourite toys for the children
  • take clothing for at least several days
  • take any medicine that you might need

If you feel able, contact the police community safety unit. Telephone: (020) 8246 9617 or (020) 8246 9607 or (020) 8246 9609 and ask them to make a note of the call.

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