Publication scheme

What we spend and how we spend it

This covers financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts and financial audit. Our financial statements and budgets are included in this section.

Statement of accounts
The statement of accounts is published for the financial year ending the previous 31 March.

Election expenses
Details of expenses incurred by candidates at last elections and expense claims made to central government for the running of Parliamentary, European and Mayor and Assembly elections.

Contact: Electoral Registration, Town Hall, New Broadway, London W5 2BY
Tel: 020 8825 7777

Procurement and details of contracts currently being tendered 
The council provides businesses with public procurement opportunities in the form of tender advertisements and Prior Information Notices (PINs).

District auditor’s report
The district auditor’s report is discussed at the meetings held by the Cabinet.

Funding for partnership arrangements
Agendas, minutes and reports for meetings of the council, the Cabinet, scrutiny committees, area committees, advisory committees, the Standards Committee and regulatory committees.