The cabinet has ten members, including Councillor Mason, the leader of the council, and Councillor Brett, deputy leader.
Each member has a specific area of responsibility (also known as a portfolio) and is accountable for the council's everyday decision-making process. The role and responsibility of a cabinet member include:
- initiating policy
- making decisions and implementing council policies within their portfolio
- acting as spokesperson for the council on services and functions within their portfolio
- being a member of cabinet and sharing the collective responsibility for decisions taken by the cabinet
- developing partnership working with other organisations in the borough
Cabinet members and a brief overview of their portfolio areas
Leader: Cllr Peter Mason
Twitter: @petermason
Duties and responsibilities:
- manifesto delivery
- policy overview
- major projects oversight
- performance management
- strategy and change
- community engagement strategy
- civil protection
- elections
- Local Strategic Partnership
- communications, marketing, and public affairs
- all executive functions not allocated to any other portfolio
Deputy Leader and cabinet member for safe and genuinely affordable homes: Cllr Louise Brett
Twitter: @CllrLouiseBrett
Duties and responsibilities:
- The Social Housing Regulator referral and recovery plan
- housing asset management
- estate management
- fire health and safety (housing)
- HRA including business plan
- housing allocations
- tenancy management including housing hubs
- homelessness and temporary accommodation management
- housing strategy (with good growth and new homes)
- Tenants Union
- private housing sector supply and leasing
- private rental sector licensing
Deputy leader duties and responsibilities include
- Civic Honours Committee
- Emergency Committee
- Constitution Review Group
- Chief Officers Appointments Panel
- Chief Officers Panel
- Leaders' Committee of London Councils
Cabinet member for inclusive economy - Cllr Steve Donnelly
Twitter: @SteveDW3
Duties and responsibilities:
- budget and finance
- community wealth building
- social value and impact
- digital borough
- digital council
- capital resources
- councillors' allowances
- income
- investment and external funding
- central government grants
- risk management
- fire health and safety (corporate)
- pension strategy performance
- equality and diversity (internal)
- ICT and facilities
- strategic procurement
- human resources, internal training and skills
- employee relations
- legal services
- democratic services
- customer services and complaints
- registrars
Cabinet member for tackling crime and antisocial behaviour - Cllr Jasbir Anand
Twitter: @JasbirAnand2
Duties and responsibilities:
- youth service
- youth offending
- community safety (including ASB, drugs action and crime prevention)
- public space protection
- police liaison
- eliminating violence against women and girls
- Ealing Faith Forum
- community cohesion
Cabinet member for good growth and new homes - Cllr Shital Manro
Twitter: @cllrshitalmanro
Duties and responsibilities:
- major projects
- regeneration strategy
- land charges
- council property and assets
- Local plan and planning policy
- building and development control
- new housing supply, including HRA and Broadway Living
- estate renewal
- temporary accommodation (acquisition)
Cabinet member for decent living incomes - Cllr Kamaljit Kaur Nagpal
Twitter: @kamnagpal
Duties and responsibilities:
- COVID19 recovery
- economic development
- community wealth building (with inclusive economy portfolio)
- community development
- post 16 education
- adult education
- benefits
- apprenticeships
- skills
- employment
- welfare reform
- business support
- financial inclusion
- pre-employment programmes
- economic resilience
- economic regeneration
- job clubs and brokerage
- further education and higher education
- regulatory services (environmental health, trading standards, licensing and community health and safety)
Cabinet member for a fairer start - Cllr Josh Blacker
Twitter: @jkblacker
Duties and responsibilities:
- children’s social care
- child poverty
- fostering and adoption
- child protection
- children’s homes
- home and school transport
- early help and family hubs
- looked after children
- nursery education and childcare
- play service
- primary and secondary education
- school music and library service
- special educational needs
- Ealing Learning Partnership
Cabinet member for healthy equal lives - Cllr Polly Knewstub
Twitter: @PKnewstub
Duties and responsibilities:
- public health
- NHS relations
- Integrated Care System and Partnership
- NWL Health Accountability Board
- adult social care
- assessment and care services for older people and adults with needs arising from disabilities and mental health
- accommodation and day activities
- promoting independence
- safeguarding adults
- mental health
- supporting people
- disability facilities grants, handyperson scheme and other grants
- sheltered housing
- equality and diversity (external)
- disabilities
- Citizens Tribunal
Cabinet member for thriving communities - Cllr Blerina Hashani
Duties and responsibilities:
- sports and leisure centres
- sports development
- halls and community centres
- volunteering and community sector (including VCS grants)
- libraries
- neighbourhood coordination and town forums
- public toilets
- Pitzhanger Manor
- culture, heritage and arts
- tourism
- Ealing festivals and events
- refugees and asylum seekers
- Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community liaison
- cemeteries and crematoria
- Northala Fields Steering Board
- Gunnersbury Park
- parks and open spaces
Cabinet member for climate action - Cllr Paul Driscoll
Twitter: @P_DriscollW5W13
Duties and responsibilities:
- climate action and sustainability
- air quality
- strategic transport strategy and policy
- TfL relations and LIP funding
- Active Travel
- recycling, refuse, plastics, waste disposal and reduction
- street cleansing
- street lighting
- environmental enforcement
- waterways, canal paths and bridleways
- road safety
- traffic and congestion
- parking, enforcement and CPZs
- highways and footways
- renewable energy
- street trees and drainage
- West London Waste Authority
- London Councils Transport and Environment Committee