A safe, supervised play area for a group of children whose parents are occupied in an activity (eg education, leisure, shopping) on the same premises nearby. The age range being cared for in a crèche situation may vary.
How do I know my child will be safe and secure?
First of all - you know your child best, so look for a crèche that you feel is suitable for your child.
Crèches must be registered with OFSTED (Early Years) before they can begin to work with children. This means that checks are carried out to make sure they are suitable to care for children. At least half of the staff in a crèche must be trained and possess a suitable childcare qualification.
You should ask to see their certificate of registration as this will tell you the ages and number of children they can care for and their approved hours of opening.
A check on the premises is carried out as well to make sure that it is a safe and suitable environment for children. After the crèche is registered, an inspection is carried out at regular intervals to make sure the crèche is continuing to provide a safe and suitable service.
What should a good crèche look like?
It should be a cheerful, safe, warm, light room, with a variety of good quality play materials for a large age range. There should be two or more crèche workers who should be friendly and welcoming to you and your child.
Is the crèche insured?
It should be. If you don't see any details displayed -ask.
Will I have to pay?
This will depend on the crèche. Ask if you are not sure.
How many children will there be?
This will vary. Numbers are limited by the size of the room and the number of workers. Ofsted Inspectors set the limit when the crèche is registered with them.
How do I use a crèche?
On arrival you register your child with a crèche worker allowing time to settle your child. Label all your child's belongings eg: bottles, spare clothes, favourite toys. Carrying them all in one bag is good idea. Pick up your child promptly at the end of the crèche session.
Can I stay?
Yes, it's a good idea to settle your child in. If possible visit the crèche before you use it. Make sure that your child's experience of a crèche will be a positive one. Good crèche workers will welcome your interest and concern and will want to make sure both you and your child enjoy your day.
What to do if you’re concerned
If you have any concerns at all about the quality or integrity of your childcare provider, you can contact Ofsted - the regulating body.
How can I find a crèche?
The Family Information Service holds information on all the registered childcare in the Ealing borough. Search for local crèches on the Family Services Directory.