Community centres - Greenford Community Centre

Record details

Name Greenford Community Centre
Address Age UK, Greenford Community Centre, 170 Oldfield Lane South, Greenford UB6 9JS (Access via Wordsworth Avenue)
Telephone (020) 8578 2712 ext 2003
Opening hours Mon-Fri 9am-10pm. Saturday afternoon and Sundays by arrangement.
Office hours Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Facilities The centre is managed by Age UK Ealing and is available for private hire, from meeting rooms and craft workshop spaces through to conference facilities and a large hall for hire. The Greenford Community Centre can cater to the needs of a range of businesses, clubs and societies, charities and families looking for a space.
• Day Centre for older people in Ealing
• Adults and children's leisure and sport activities
• Children's education classes
• Ward councillors’ surgeries
• Filming possible
• Free Wi-Fi
Room capacity The rooms vary in size and accommodate 10-80 people.
Available for private hire Yes
Disability access Disability parking space and full disability access to the hall and the ground floor of the main building (wheelchair ramp).
Disabled toilets available on the ground floor.
Travel Parking available including designated disability parking bays to front and rear car parks
Underground: Greenford (central line)
Rail: Greenford (local service)
Bus: 92, 105, 95, E6.
The centre is a short walk from Greenford Broadway.