Record details
Name | Allenby Primary School |
Headteacher | Mr David Hickman |
Address | Allenby Road, Southall |
Postcode | UB1 2HX |
Telephone | 020 8578 6636 | | |
Website | |
Map |,-0.3669481,18z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x487612af53b9a6f3:0xcad4704601c315c0!2sSouthall+UB1+2HX!3b1!8m2!3d51.5201239!4d-0.3653725!3m4!1s0x487612a551be6c73:0xd28f7bce8d0548b2!8m2!3d51.5206148!4d-0.3662628 |
Age range | 3-11 (including nursery) |
Type of school | community primary school |
Number of nursery places | 50 places |
Planned admission limit at 4 years | 30 places |
Uniform |
Boys: White shirt, grey trousers, red jumper or sweatshirt. Girls: White blouse, grey skirt, trousers, skirt or pinafore, red cardigan or sweatshirt. White, red or black head scarves (if required). In summer red/white checked dress is optional. P.E lessons: Cloth bag for P.E. Kit, Red or black shorts, white t-shirt and a pair black plimsolls. School’s sweat shirts, P.E bags, book bags and sweatshirts are available from the office only. |
Travel | Bus: 95, 105 |
DfE number | 307/2161 |
Breakfast club | No |
After school club | No |
ARP or special unit for pupils with: | Severe learning difficulties; age range 4-11; 14 pupils |
Admissions policies | |
Achievement and attainment | |
Prospectus information | |
School Ofsted report | |