Learning mentors

Getting a mentor

There are many benefits of having a mentor. Some of these are:

Benefits to students

  • a role model - someone who has progressed through life and overcome problems and can share this journey with the student
  • someone to talk to - learning mentors can offer quality time in a confidential space encouraging students to share their concerns
  • someone to motivate and support - a person dedicated to listening to young people and helping them to plan their lives
  • someone to help - with bullying, behaviour problems, anger management, coping with transition
  • someone with experience – who is aware of different learning styles and learning techniques

Benefits to schools and communities

  • improvement - in exam results, attendance and punctuality rates and classroom behaviour
  • support – for teachers, and pastoral and out-of-hours support for parents/carers and students
  • reduction in fixed-term and permanent exclusions - learning mentors offer behaviour strategies and reintegration programmes
  • change in culture - as schools begin to employ a range of professional support staff
  • development - of community and school joint projects, leading to greater student involvement in the community
  • shared understanding of roles
  • enhanced local employment opportunities

Benefits to families

  • improved relationships and participation with school
  • increased awareness of the educational system and assessment
  • confidence in child’s strengths
  • greater feeling of empowerment at parents’ evenings
  • sharing experiences, skills and knowledge with the school
  • helping schools to familiarise themselves with different cultures
  • someone to talk to

For more information on getting a mentor for your child, please contact your child's school.