Examination in public

Development (Core) Strategy: Examination in public

The Core Strategy was submitted on 21 July 2011.  The Secretary of State appointed an independent Inspector, Elizabeth Fieldhouse DIPTP DIPUD MRTPI to conduct the examination into the compliance and soundness of the Core Strategy.  The Inspector considered all the representations made on the Proposed Submission Core Strategy and associated supporting documents, and decided who should be invited to take part in the debates at the public hearing sessions.  The council also prepared a list of examination documents in the examination library.

Caroline Caldwell has been appointed as the Programme Officer for the examination.  She is independent of the council and is responsible for assisting the Inspector with all aspects of the examination administration. If you have any queries about the examination, please contact her on:

Tel: (020) 8825 7944
Email: ldfprogrammeofficer@gmail.com

Pre-hearing meeting
The pre-hearing meeting was held on Thursday 15 September 2011 at 10.30am in Victoria Hall, Ealing Town Hall.  Minutes from this meeting can be found below. 

Guidance notes for the pre-hearing meeting

Pre-hearing meeting minutes

Examination hearings

The examination took place between 1 - 23 November 2011.  Please see below for the hearing programme and the matters and issues that were discussed. 

Hearing programme updated (9 Nov)

Matters and issues updated (31 Oct)

Inspector's report

The Inspector's report was received on 6 February 2012 and was published on 9 February 2012.

The Inspector’s overall conclusion is that, with the minor recommendations recommended in her report, that this Development Plan Document (DPD) satisfies the requirements of Section 20 (5) (a) and (b) of the 2004 Act (as amended) and the associated 2004 Regulations (as amended), and also meets the soundness criteria set out in Planning Policy Statement 12. Thus, the Development Strategy has complied with the legal requirements and is sound.

Inspector's report

Adoption of the Report

The council adopted the Development Strategy on 3 April 2012. A rough edit version of the Development (or Core) Strategy is available below and a final print version of the plan shall be produced in due course. There are also a number of changes to the existing Adopted Proposals Map that accompanied the UDP and these are set in a three volume atlas below. In addition please find a copy of the Adoption Statement and a link to Final Sustainability Report.

Adopted development (or core) strategy documents