Private rented property licensing

Public register of licensed properties

The council holds a public register of all licensed properties in the borough, temporary exemption notices issued (relating to property licensing) and management orders. Details of the licence holder and manager (if applicable) will appear on this register.

You can search for a licensed property or view the full register by appointment only.

Should you wish to make an appointment to view the public register please email your request to

Copies of the public register in a PDF format can be purchased for the following fee:

Register Charge

1 page to ¼ of register


¼ of register to ½ of register


½ of register to ¾ of register


¾ of register to full copy of register


You can make your payment online

Please ensure that you put REGISTER as the reference.

Once you have done this you can email PRSlicensing sending details of the payment receipt. We will then email the register to you or post you a hard copy if required.

Note: you may not extract or re-utilise information derived from the register or any copies of such information (whether electronic or in hard copy format) for any commercial or business purpose including but not limited to, trading, building commercial databases, reselling or redistribution of such information.

If someone becomes aware of a third party using information derived from the register in contravention of these terms and conditions this can be reported to the Information Commissioner’s Office.