
Examination in Public (EiP)

The Development Sites DPD, Development Management DPD and Policies Map were submitted to the Planning Inspectorate on 25 February 2013.  The Secretary of State appointed an independent Inspector, Christine Thorby DipTP MRTPI IHBC to conduct the examination to determine whether the above-named Local Plans were sound. The council also prepared a list of examination documents in the examination library.

Caroline Caldwell was appointed as the programme officer for the examination.  
If you have any queries about the examination, please contact her on:

Tel: (020) 8825 7944
Email: ldfprogrammeofficer@gmail.com

Examination in Public (EiP) - Key dates and information 

4 April 2013 - The Inspector published her Guidance Note for the upcoming examination and sent the council her initial questions.

9 April 2013 - The Inspector published her Draft Schedule of Matters and Issues.

9 May 2013 - The council responded to the Inspector's initial questions.

17 May 2013 - The council and respondents submitted Further Statements to the Inspector - ED9 - ED64

23 May 2013 - The Inspector published her draft hearing programme.  A later version was published on 3 June 2013.

24 May 2013 - The Inspector sent further questions (2) to the council regarding the Greenford Green site and the council responded on 29 May 2013

The hearings took place between 4-6 June and 11-12 June 2013.  Please click on the link for the Inspector's opening statement.

10 June 2013 - The Inspector sent further questions (3) to the council on gypsies and travellers and monitoring.

17 June 2013 - The Inspector sent further questions (4) to the council regarding SIL and the council responded on the 5 July.

25 June 2013 - The council published the main modifications for consultation for six weeks.  They also published schedules of minor modifications for information only. 

9 August 2013 - The council published their responses to the representations they received on the consultation of the main modifications.
Development Sites - spreadsheet of reps (excel), summary of reps (pdf)
Development Management - spreadsheet of reps (excel), summary of reps (pdf)

14 August 2013 - The Inspector sent further questions (5) to the council regarding SIL and the council responded on 23 August 2013.

28 October 2013 - The Inspector sent the council her final report for publication. This report concludes that the Development Sites and Development Management DPDs provide an appropriate basis for the planning of the borough over the next 15 years providing a number of modifications are made to the plan.